Navy and DoD civilians may find it difficult to separate trash once they move to Japan.
There are 3 reasons why you may find it difficult to separate trash.
1。Different ways to separate trash.
2。Different days of the week have different trash thrown away.
3。The rules for disposing of trash are different.
Sort garbage according to the four designated categories
There are four types of garbage in Yokosuka City, so please sort them as follows.
Burnable Refuse 燃せるごみ
Burnable trash includes raw trash, used clothes, shose, and waste paper. This is garbage that will be incinerated. Burnable refuse is collected twice a week. Put the garbage in the polyethylene bag and throwing it out on the set day.
Plastic Containers and Packaging 容器包装プラスチック
A plastic identification mark「プラ 」is displayed when you look at the container or package of the purchased product. These include plastic food trays, convenience store lunch boxes, and plastic shampoo bottle containers. Let’s wash and clean these items before putting them in a transparent plastic bags. This garbage will be recycled.
Cans, Bottles, PET Bottles 缶・びん・ペットボトル
When recycling plastic bottles, the rule is to remove the packaging and then remove the cap for recycling. Most Japanese manufacturers include perforations to make it easier for consumers to remove the wrapping.
Nonburnable Refuse 不燃ごみ
This is the garbage that goes to landfill.This includes ceramic and glass items.
Group Resource Collection 集団資源回収
Cardboard, Metal items such as kettles, pots, and frying pans.
Items other than those in collection categories (e.g., large garbage, such as household appliances, futons, and carpets; burnable refuse; and nonburnable refuse)can not be collected in “GroupResourceCollection.”
The items are collected for a fee at individual locations upon application. Ask your real estate agent how to proceed.

Garbage Calendar
Garbage and Recyclables Collection Schedule is set for each town name.
Ask your real estate agent to check your District.
Garbage basic rule
*Each type of trash is put out at the designated place according to the trash collection schedule.
*Basically, the trash is put out at the designated garbage collection place between 6am and 8am.
*garbage bag: Garbage must be collected in plastic garbage bags. These can be purchased at supermarkets, convenience stores, and hundred dollar stores. They come in a variety of sizes and colors that indicate the type of trash that goes in each. If you’re in doubt, make sure the size is 45 liters and the color is translucent.